We are committed to providing victim centered and tribal informed technical assistance (TA) to NCAI Fund Victim Services Micro-grant Program grantees throughout your project period. To help accomplish this, the NCAI Fund has partnered with the Tribal Law and Policy Institute (TLPI) and FirstPic, Inc. TLPI will be available to offer programmatic TA to assist grantees in reaching their program goals and activities. FirstPic, Inc. will be available to offer financial and compliance TA to assist grantees in the management of their grant.

For victim services programmatic questions, please contact TLPI: Lonna Hunter, lonna@tlpi.org, or Abby Thoennes, abby@tlpi.org. For finance and compliance questions, please contact FirstPic, Inc.: Robin Paterson, rpaterson@firstpic.org. For any other questions, please contact the NCAI Fund: microgrants@ncai.org.


Frequently Asked Questions

What are victim services?

Examples include:

•  Victim advocate or victim assistance program

•  domestic violence shelter

•   rape crisis center

•   child advocacy center

•   elder abuse program

•   mental health counseling

•   substance abuse treatment

•  legal services

•  forensic exams

•  emergency shelter

•  transitional housing

•  traditional, cultural, or alternative therapy

•  transportation, meals, lodging, child care for court or counseling

•  restorative justice

How can funds be used?

Examples include:

•  Salary

•  Fringe benefits

•  Travel

•  Equipment

•  Vehicles

•  Security system at victim service facility

•  Remote access equipment in court

•  Facility costs – rent, utilities, maintenance renovation


•  Supplies

•  Computers, printers, scanners

•  Cell phone

•  Office supplies, furnishings

•  Therapeutic supplies

•  Emergency or short term needs of victims

•  Program operating costs

•  Subcontracts

•  Indirect costs

This is not a complete list. A more detailed list of allowable and unallowable costs can be found here.

I need help understanding whether something is an allowable expense under the micro-grant program.

TLPI can help answer any specific questions about your project. If you need assistance in categorizing an item in your budget, you can request Technical Assistance from the Tribal Law and Policy Institute by contacting Lonna Hunter, lonna@tlpi.org. Examples of unallowable costs include:

•  Law enforcement/prosecution

•  Crime prevention

•  Services for offenders

•  Construction or purchase of real estate

•  Lobbying

•  Fundraising

•  Grant-writing


A detailed list of allowable and unallowable costs can be found here.

We missed a webinar, is there a recording?

Yes. All webinars are recorded and posted below. Following the webinar, all PowerPoints and other webinar handouts will be posted here as well.

If a community would like to develop a community needs assessment to assess currently available data on violence and victimization within the community to develop a strategic plan to address the identified needs, is that an allowable expense?

Yes, this is an allowable expense under the NCAI Fund Victim Services Micro-grant Program funds. You can request funding for both a community needs assessment, and to develop a strategic plan for your tribal justice system.

I need some help clarifying whether I will need a budget modification.

FirstPic, Inc. can help clarify any budget related questions, including whether a potential expense is covered in your current budget or if you will need to submit a budget modification. Please email Robin Paterson at rpaterson@firstpic.org.

Are there any templates or resources that can assist me with program implementation?

Yes, there are a variety of resources available below, including:

  • Victim assistance Subgrantee Data Template
  • Sample Community Needs Assessments
  • Sample Contract Services Contract
  • Sample Gift Card Policy

What are my reporting requirements and how do I submit them?

Please refer to your Letter of Agreement for all award requirements. Subgrantees must submit quarterly performance measurement data (number of victims served, in the aggregate) reports in the online reporting site.

Reports are due as follows:

•  April 9, 2021

•  July 9, 2021

•  October 8, 2021

•  January 7, 2022

•  April 8, 2022

•  July 8, 2022

I am not sure to whom I should direct my question.

TLPI and FirstPic, Inc. are part of the NCAI Fund’s technical assistance team. However, you can always email the NCAI Fund with questions and we can forward them to the appropriate contact or assist you directly. The NCAI Fund can be reached at microgrants@ncai.org.


The Tribal Law and Policy Institute (TLPI) and FirstPic, Inc. have hosted a number of webinars for grantees.  Victim confidentiality is central to providing victim-centered services and to victim safety, and we highly recommend all grantees view the Confidentiality and Data Collection webinar.


We have prepared a variety of webinars to assist with specific goals and objectives identified in several Micro-Grant Program applications, including development of tribal codes, strategic planning, and community needs assessments.

Confidentiality and Data Collection

This webinar provides an overview of key program considerations, definitions, and requirements to ensure safety and accountability for working with victims of crime.

Community Needs Assessments, Parts I and II

Part I provides guidance on how to safely and securely conduct community needs assessments while maintaining victim privacy. Part II reviews the goals, audience, and potential questions developed for a Community Needs Assessment (CNA) and discuss how to create an online survey.

Tribal Codes and Victim Services

This webinar discusses tribal code drafting and important considerations for victim service programming such as: why we draft tribal codes, who should be involved in drafting the tribal codes, what issues are your community is hoping to address with the tribal codes, and how to begin the process of drafting the tribal codes.

Strategic Planning

This webinar provides an overview of strategic planning, including examples of models and processes, and highlights insights, suggestions, and considerations for engaging in a strategic planning process.


Reimbursement Requests (Financial Online Reporting)

This webinar provides step-by-step instructions for submitting a reimbursement request in the online reporting site, including required documentation and helpful tips for submitting a successful reimbursement request. This webinar also discusses the required schedule for submission of requests and the reimbursement request review and approval process.

Performance Measurement Reporting

This webinar explains the Department of Justice, Office for Victims of Crime Performance Measurement Reporting requirements and provides guidance on how to complete your reporting requirements while maintaining victim safety.

Contract Services Procurement

This webinar describes the requirements for grantees utilizing contract services with NCAI Fund Micro-grant Program funds, including required steps and documentation.

Vehicle Procurement

This webinar describes the required steps and documentation for grantees who will purchase a vehicle using NCAI Fund Micro-grant Program funds.

Financial Management

This webinar provides an overview of 2 CFR 200 including Financial Standards and Requirements; Internal Control Requirements; and Allowable Costs and Cost Principles.


Tribal Victim Advocacy Virtual Training Materials

The Advocacy Training was a tribal-specific training for NCAI Fund Victim Services Micro-grant Program grantees. The training was oriented around the National Indigenous Women’s Resource Center (NIWRC) Advocacy Curriculum. This Curriculum provides comprehensive, basic information and was created to support tribal programs in their efforts to provide advocacy and safety for survivors within their communities and make changes to end violence by embracing Indigenous culture.

The Advocacy Training focused on advocacy basics, dynamics and tactics of battering/intimate partner violence, overview of the role of advocates, the impacts and effects of historical trauma, basic safety planning, and Coordinated Community Response/Sexual Assault Response Team models.